Not By Bread Alone

Learning to care for myself properly in order to do God's will in my life.


I've got a new attitude...

(this started out being a reply to Sue's comment below and it just took on a life of it's I decided to make a seperate post out of it.)

I'm enjoying finding new recipes and trying them out. I told Roy today that it seem that I actually LIKE to even food shopping is fun. There is a new Whole Foods store near by and WOW, I was in heaven. It is actually beautiful! All those fresh fruits and vegetables neatly stacked. So much of God's abundance. We are so blessed.

One thing I'm going through now is constipation though. I read that this is normal at the beginning of any low carb diet, since grains have fibre. I guess I need to add more fresh fruits and vegetables. Salads actually are starting to sound good...who knew? LOL.

I just got the book 'against the grain' from the library. Can't wait to see if it has any thing new to add to all of this.

posted by Essy @ 6:00 PM  |


weighing in

I was a bit relunctant to step on the scale this morning, I din't want to get bummed in case I hadn't lost any weight since this is not what this diet plan is about anyway. But I must admit...I was so darn pants are fitting better, and I feel thinner...probably mostly because the bloating is way down. So anyway...I did it...I stepped on the scale and GUESS WHAT? I was down 6 lbs. from last week. I'm drinking even more then I was before, so I don't think it is all fluids either. This was a nice little booster!

I praise God for His handy work in my life. The last couple of weeks, I've been praying with my 'inner-healing' group and a lot of issues came up from my child hood that had to do with food, eating and overall health. Then soon after I felt 'called' to start the SCD...I really believe that it is Divinely inspired for me at this moment in my life. It is quite miraculous that I've been able to stick with it for a whole week and not even be tempted to cheat...however...I must say that the weekends are the hardest on me and that is still to come. So please...if you could send out a prayer for me, I'd appreciate it.

posted by Essy @ 8:57 AM  |


Supraventricular Tachycardia

SVT information

The above link gives a nice and simple explanation of what it is. What it doesn't explain too well is how it is more then simply a 'fast heart rate'. For instance if you were to run up a flight of stairs...your heart rate would increase, but most likely you wouldn't really feel it. However with feels like your heart is going to jump right out of your chest. Also the heart gets thrown off its regular rhythm, unlike the previous scenerio. I can tell right away when it starts and then when it converts again. I usually end up having to go to the hospital, because it doesn't usually convert on its own for me...I was lucky this time. The IV meds that the article refers to is called 'Adenosine' and they now carry it in ambulances...but it feels pretty nasty as it goes through your body.

posted by Essy @ 5:07 PM  |

SVT episode

Just had a minor SVT attack this afternoon. Geesh...I haven't had one of these in years. Think my body is rebelling because I got rid of the sugar and grains? Weird.

I'm ok though and didn't even have to call an ambulance, even though I did call Roy and he came home to attend to the kids since I get so wiped out by these things.

posted by Essy @ 3:23 PM  |

recipe site

I've started a blog for me to keep track of scd recipes. If you come across some good ones, please forward them to me. I'm especially interested in breakfast ideas.Simply Recipes

posted by Essy @ 10:29 AM  |


quick update

I did start the SCD on Monday and that part of things is actually going really well...praise God! I didn't really go 'by the book' as far as starting it book suggests we start with a very basic diet and then start introducing 'legal' foods one at a time). I figure since I didn't really have all the intestinal problems that the book mentions, then I was ahead of the game anyway. So I jumped right into things and it is going well as far as sticking to that's half the battle. I'm eating healthier then I have in a very long time...just no grains, sugar(other then ocasional honey and fruit)and some dairy.

The first day I couldn't stop going to the bathroom...I guess I was I have had no cravings...which is quite the miracle. I've able to wait for hunger and have not eaten beyond fullnes. PRAISE GOD!

However...I feel like I'm fighting another sinus infection. I just feel drained and have a headache brewing...just kind of yucky all over. So some prayers would be appreciated.

posted by Essy @ 10:19 AM  |


Off to a good start

Decided to have a massive carb blow out yesterday...a mardi gras of We ordered take out from our favorite Portuguese place...BBQ chicken, spicy rice, fries and hot rolls with butter...yumm yumm. I was asleep withing the didn't really cause any major tummy problems...but it really made me crash...I mean BIG TIME. I didn't really over eat either, so I don't think it was that.

Now this morning I'm heading in a different direction and I feel pretty good about it. I printed out some recipes, went shopping last night at Wild Oats and bought some 'legal' stuff. I also just found out about a new Whole Foods store that just opened up in Woburn which is not too far from us, so I'm eager to check them out too. Anyway...for this morning I made scrambled eggs and Almond Flour pancakes. I made my chicken broth last night and will make some soup for lunch and for dinner I have some beef stew in the crockpot, which is smelling delicious (so, no fear of starving and I'm not counting calories

I've also signed up with an E-Mail support group. It's like that saying 'if you fail to plan, you plan to fail'. Anyway, I'm just trusting the Lord to lead me through this and I know that no matter what it will have been worthwhile.

posted by Essy @ 9:38 AM  |


candida and SCD

Anti-Candida Diet

I think that the severe anti-candida diet that I followed for 5 months suddenly caused the chronic and painful diarrhea that I’m now experiencing. Is the SCD better?

Elaine writes:
My famous last words have been "the yeast and bacteria ridge piggback on each other." That is why I continually use the word "microbe" in BTVC because it is almost impossible to absolutely identify some of the bacteria and yeast conglomeration. I, too, would like to know which anti-candida diet you followed which would encouage diarrhea. Of course, in the Missing Diagnosis, Dr. Crook advocated grains. But if the ordinary person was eating the ordinary diet before reading Crook, then the addition of grains would not do it. What will do it , is a high veggie and fruit and protein diet along with grain. So the junk food eaters, eating minimal amounts of vegetables and fruits but eating chips, macaroni, etc. may get away with not developing IBD but developing hypertension, cardiac problems, etc. If they change to more veggies and fruits, along with high grain, they will have high bacterial and/or yeast growth irritating the gut and then on top of that, the physical properties and fiber aggravating the surface of the gut and adding to the population of microbial growth with fiber and starch."

posted by Essy @ 12:59 PM  |

Peanut Butter Cookies

1/2 cup butter
1 cup peanut butter (no additives)
1/2 cup honey
1 cup nut flour
2 eggs
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla

Cream butter until soft.
Add peanut butter and mix thoroughly.
Add remaining ingredients.
Drop on greased cookie sheet and bake 325 F oven for 10 minutes.

I made these last night and they were wonderfully delicious. But I think I must have done something wrong, because the consistency was all wrong for cookies and it turned out more like a cake...oh well.

The other thing is that I still had a reaction to this...but I did use the regular peanut butter that I had at home and I'm pretty sure they add sugar to that. So now I don't know if it was the peanut butter or the honey. The book does say that some people might not be able to tolerate the honey...darn...I LOVE I really hope that's not intestines are pretty screwed up at the moment so I could pretty much just react to anything anyway.

posted by Essy @ 8:58 AM  |

Soup Stock

basic soup stock recipe site

I had to post this here because both the anti yeast diet and the SCD call for home made soup stock and this is something that I'm not used to...I always took the easy wasy out before...but this seems like something not too difficult that I can do.

posted by Essy @ 7:52 AM  |


Specific Carbohydrate Diet

SCD Recipes

I just finished reading 'Breaking the Vicious Cycle' by Elaine Gottschall and found it very interesting. I'm tempted to give it a try. I heard about it from someone in an E-Mail list that I belong to and ordered the book from the it today and finished it already. It's not specifically an anti-yeast program, but an overall 'intestinal health through diet' program. The thing that sounds good to me is that I can still have fruit and some cheese and even honey. What is not allowed is any type of grains(including rice, potatoes, chic peas, soy beans etc.), fluid milk of any kind, instant tea or coffee, no refined sugar(no molasses, corn syrup, or maple syrup).

The book includes some recipes that sound pretty yummy. I think it's do-able...I'll have to pray over it and see if this is something that is right for me.

posted by Essy @ 4:42 PM  |


Observation 1 of Day 1

"Key #2, Reduce the number of distractions in order to eat in a calm environment"

I thought I had this one figured out, and then what do I go and do...since I'm alone, I just came online while having breakfast...yikes!


*Get comfortable with those silent them out today.

*To help with this, I'm going to shut the computer down until after lunch.

posted by Essy @ 8:55 AM  |


Just wanted to post the link to the Wellness Diary that I'm using. I'm going to print out enough for the month and then add them to the P2 section of my rule book (per A Mother's Rule of Life).

posted by Essy @ 8:50 AM  |

Day One(again)

Thin Within
"You will begin to see that you can become authentically thin within, from your heart and soul outward. This external change will reflect the miracle that is taking place in a heart set free." (see my inner-healing blog for more on that part of it)

1)Eat only when my body is hungry. (ok...I think I'm ready for this one...have been practicing it for the past couple of days...gets a bit more difficult in the afternoon when I'm tired though).

2)Reduce the number of distractions in order to eat in a calm environment (it took me a while to get it...but...I don't have to eat at the same time as the kids...duhhh. Except for dinner...I enjoy family time then.'s much easier to feed them and then just eat by myself when they are occupied with something else.)

3)Eat when sitting down (ok)

4)Eat when my body and mind are relaxed (eating alone during the day will help with this)

5)Eat and drink the food and beverages my body enjoys. (key word here is 'BODY'...if it's making you sick that is a sure sign that your body is NOT enjoying matter how much your taste buds are)

6)Pay attention to my food while eating (ok now with number 2 and 4 taken care of)

7)East slowly and savor each bite (these really do build on each other)

8)Stop before my body is 'full'.(a little harder to do at dinner time, but if all the other keys are in place it shouldn't be so bad).

Goals for today:
*Practice above keys
*Start a food journal to keep track of foods eaten and how I feel.

posted by Essy @ 7:03 AM  |


New Starts

Get your ideal weight here I go again. I was tempted to just not post about it since I'm not the greatest at sticking to stuff...but then I thought that was just a cop here it is.

My weight has gone way up in the last few months since struggling with getting rid of the yeast over growth...not quite to where it was pre-WD...but close. Anyway, I'm convinced that an altered Thin Within program is the answer. I've gone through so much inner healing recently that I think I'm ready to finally do this thing (with God's grace, that is).

So my goals are:
1)wait for hunger to eat
2)stop at satisfied
3)choose foods not only that I like but that will nourish me and not make me sick
4)do my walk/jog video
5)find a good multi vitamin that I can tolerate and take the Magnesium and pro-biotics.
6)drink plenty of water
7)plan ahead of time...make meal menus for the week and plan snacks when going out...and go shopping regularly so that I have healthy foods on hand.
8)make a list of what I can do instead of eat when I'm feeling 'depleted' or am having 'head hunger' but stomach is not empty.
9)take regular breaks so that I don't get completly exhausted.
10)Last but not least (actually it is Number 1) Trust God to walk with me on this journey and to provide for me in His way.

posted by Essy @ 7:05 AM  |


Happy Birthday to...


I'm so ready for a brand new start...and this seems like a good time to do it. It's time to regain control of my life and stop having my 'little girl' run things around here. is NOW time to grow up already...or at least put a few things behind me so that I can finally live my life to the fullest.

Like today's first reading says "When I was a child, I used to talk as a child,
think as a child, reason as a child; when I became a man, I put aside childish things."

posted by Essy @ 6:46 AM  |



May I always remember
that all the parts of my body are good because you made them,
that my body does not belong to me but to you,
who bought it at my Baptism
at the price of Christ's Cross
and that my body is the living temple of the Holy Spirit.
Give me self-control over my passions, appetites and imaginations;
give me respect for the opposite sex
and esteem for my own;
create in me that wholeness and integrity
that all my powers may be consecrated to your service
according to my state in life.
May Mary the Blessed Virgin Mother,
watch over me through Christ our Lord. Amen.

- - -
Matthew 5:8 - "Happy are the pure in Heart; they will see God!"

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 - Don't you know that your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourselves but to God; he has bought you for a price. So use your bodies for God's glory.

posted by Essy @ 8:00 AM  |


sinus problems

I've been getting what feels like the beginning of a sinus infection for the past couple of could be allergies much as I like Fall...I think this is my worst season for allergies. So...I could use some prayers...I haven't had a full blown sinus infection where I had to be on antibiotics in a very long time and I certainly don't want to go back to that...there was a period there about 10 years ago or so that I had one infection after another, it was horrible.

posted by Essy @ 8:48 AM  |


symptoms eval. wk 5

130 points...yippee! That's down another 29 points. What I'm seeing is that even though I still struggle with some of the symptoms...bloating, gassiness and so forth that is directly related to my 'slipping'...over all I'm feeling much better, praise God. My emotions are more stable, I'm not as tired all the time...stuff like that. I really was in tough shape now that I think about it...gee whiz! These are such tiny baby steps that I'm undertaking...but at least I have some hope.

posted by Essy @ 1:44 PM  |


Got milk?

"LOL I'm anxious to hear how you did this week abstaining from obvious
sugar and dairy ... I hope you did "OK". " outgoing E-Mail is very iffy these I thought I'd post here., not so good at abstaining from milk this fact I just had a Latte a little while ago. Here's the way my mind works...I've been having abdominal pain for a couple of days (Ovulation time?)so I figure...since I'm in pain already, might as well indulge. Gee whiz...I know that I'll never get anywhere with that type of faulty thinking. So what I did is go buy myself some lactaid milk for when I absolutely need a least it won't cause an immediate reaction even though it still feeds the yeasty beasties.

posted by Essy @ 5:47 PM  |


going to the dentist

I have an appointment for this evening (6PM EST)and will be having some of my fillings replaced. I'm excited and nervous at the same time...something about the dentist..yuck! But...I'm hopeful that having these fillings replaced may help my health situation also. They are only doing a couple today...but at least it is a start.

posted by Essy @ 9:53 AM  |


Symptom evaluation wk. 4

This was a went down another 21 points. It is at 159 now (over 85 is severe) I'm getting there...little by little.

posted by Essy @ 9:47 AM  |


slipping and sliding

Well, my 'eating habits' seem to be a one step forward and two steps back kind of things in other words, I'm not headed in the right direction at the moment. Last weekend was Christian's third birthday and we had a little family gathering and there went my resolve(throw AF into the mix and you have big trouble). I didn't 'over eat' so much as dabbled in the 'wrong foods' and that got me off track. I'll do my symptoms evaluation tomorrow and see how much it threw me off target. I also didn't do proper food shopping last week, so I just kind of picked and grabbed all week. I'm ready for a new start though...and that begins with a menu plan.

posted by Essy @ 5:48 PM  |