Not By Bread Alone

Learning to care for myself properly in order to do God's will in my life.


Day One(again)

Thin Within
"You will begin to see that you can become authentically thin within, from your heart and soul outward. This external change will reflect the miracle that is taking place in a heart set free." (see my inner-healing blog for more on that part of it)

1)Eat only when my body is hungry. (ok...I think I'm ready for this one...have been practicing it for the past couple of days...gets a bit more difficult in the afternoon when I'm tired though).

2)Reduce the number of distractions in order to eat in a calm environment (it took me a while to get it...but...I don't have to eat at the same time as the kids...duhhh. Except for dinner...I enjoy family time then.'s much easier to feed them and then just eat by myself when they are occupied with something else.)

3)Eat when sitting down (ok)

4)Eat when my body and mind are relaxed (eating alone during the day will help with this)

5)Eat and drink the food and beverages my body enjoys. (key word here is 'BODY'...if it's making you sick that is a sure sign that your body is NOT enjoying matter how much your taste buds are)

6)Pay attention to my food while eating (ok now with number 2 and 4 taken care of)

7)East slowly and savor each bite (these really do build on each other)

8)Stop before my body is 'full'.(a little harder to do at dinner time, but if all the other keys are in place it shouldn't be so bad).

Goals for today:
*Practice above keys
*Start a food journal to keep track of foods eaten and how I feel.

posted by Essy @ 7:03 AM