Not By Bread Alone

Learning to care for myself properly in order to do God's will in my life.


Another fun gadget

About The Google 15
This one keeps track of your weight. I've gotten into daily weighing...going against everything ever learned during my non diet days...and find this gadget very helpful. Since I tend to get a lot of fluid retention...if my weight goes up 2 lbs from one day to the next...I now know what is going on. I learned this from caring for my dad.

posted by Essy @ 2:23 PM  |

Day 4

*Staying away from sugar has been easier then I expected. I have plenty of allowable fruits on hand, so those seem to do the trick for me.

*I'm working on my sixth glass of water...yipeee!

*Did my Lesley Sansone video...a bit slow going, but I got through it.

*Going up stairs seems to be getting a tiny bit easier. Even carried Christian up for his nap without going completly into a tizzy fit.

*Still very light headed, a little worse then usual so maybe it is a reaction to cutting off the sugar.

*Overall, I'm feeling pretty optimistic. Please keep those prayers coming.

posted by Essy @ 2:08 PM  |

Google gadget

Homepage Content Directory
This is a neat little gadget if you use Google home page. I use it to keep track of the foods and water I'm taking in, just to make sure I'm getting a well balanced diet.

posted by Essy @ 8:02 AM  |


Day 3

The thing that I'm noticing right away is improved taste buds. Everything has so much more taste now. I just finished eating an apple and it feels like I'm Who knew that fresh fruit could be so pleasing?

Some of the symptoms are still pretty nasty...I'm light headed and very dizzy at times and still getting completly winded going up the stairs...but with AF here, I'm figuring it will be a while to see any real improvement. Speaking of which, it seems to be a bit more intense (no guys here, right? lol)...more bleeding then what I'm used to, but less cramps...I'm thinking that my body is using this medium to cleanse itself out. It must be all that water that I'm drinking.

posted by Essy @ 1:00 PM  |

drink more water!

I'm going to make sure that I have a glass of water sitting on my kitchen counter next to my lap top at all times. Then whenever I walk by and check my e-mail or do anything at all on the computer, I'll have a few sips. That should keep me well

posted by Essy @ 11:39 AM  |


more on the evils of sugar...

Articles from past issues of our newsletter, "And The Beat Goes On": "One substance that is absolutely poison to people with MVPS/D is sugar. The average American comsumes a trememdous amount of sugar each year. Remember that sugar contains virtually no nutritional value. It is pure calories, and the results of consumption for people with MVPS/D are severe.

Sugar triggers the autonomic nervous system and, just like caffeine, gives a temporay boost in energy. With the release of insulin from the body in order to burn the sugar there is a sudden drop in blood sugar that is quick and often results in a shaky sensation, rapid heartbeat, and sometimes even panic attacks.

Many patients report that they are sugar junkies, particularly chocolate, and don't believe that they can kick the habit.
Have you ever tried to elimate sugar? It is tough! You are irritable and shaky and often have difficulty sleeping for the first few days. It is believed that sugar is truly an addicting substance, and this response represents a type of withdrawal.

After several days there will be an increase in energy and a calming effect. This makes the effort to kick the sugar habit worthwhile."

posted by Essy @ 6:22 PM  |


Treatment of Mitral Valve Prolapse

posted by Essy @ 5:49 PM  |


Mitral Valve Prolapse: "Outlook
Mitral valve prolapse is usually a harmless disorder that does not lead to a heart attack and does not prevent a person from having a normal, active life. The condition does trigger some possible complications, but overall risk for them is very low. These complications include the following:

Cardiac arrhythmias: These are usually only benign premature beats that need no drug treatment. Occasionally, they can have sustained supraventricular tachycardia needing further, more definitive, medical therapy. Sudden cardiac arrest due to a ventricular tachycardia, which is life threatening, is very rarely reported. "

Ok...I think that I really need to talk to my doctor on this one. From this, it sounds like the SVT (supraventricular tachycardia)that I experience could be also be a symptom of MVP...hmmm.

I'm thinking that the Lord is bringing this to my attention for a reason. Please pray me through this.

posted by Essy @ 10:50 AM  |

Mitral Valve Prolapse

Understanding Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome Page: "MITRAL VALVE PROLAPSE SYNDROME
•Chest pain
•Palpitations, extra heart beat
•Lightheadedness, dizziness
•Shortness of breath
•Anxiety and/or panic attacks
•Low exercise tolerance
•Mood swings"

Even though I'm on meds for other heart issues (SVT)...I've never been officially diagnosed with this. However it is uncanny that these are all the symptoms that I've been struggling with for a life time it seems(chest pain is minimal and very infrequent).

I had read a while back how taking extra Magnesium can help with this and so I've been taking it. However because it alters my bowels so much, I need to take very low dosages and I don't feel like it's helping me with all these symptoms as much as it could. However, isn't it interesting that sugar is one thing that depletes Magnesium...I know we've discussed this here before...but here I am again...still struggling with it.

MVPers report other symptoms. Common ones include:

•chronically cold hands and feet
•gastrointestinal stomach disturbances
•problems with memory or a feeling of fogginess
•inability to concentrate
•mood swings
•problems sleeping
•numbness or tingling of the arms or legs
•arm, back, or shoulder discomfort
•difficulty swallowing
•lump in the throat

I have all of the above too...and always passed it off as 'anxiety'.


•Emotional stress
•Excessive fatigue
•Unaccustomed physical activity
•Being anxious or nervous
•Medicines with stimulants
•Being in a hot, dry environment
•Flu, cold, or other illnesses
•Lack of sleep
•Skipping meals
•Rushing around
•Lying on the left or right side

Again...all of the above (ok...I don't smoke...but even just being in a room with smokers will do it for me.

posted by Essy @ 10:29 AM  |

Day 2

yesterday had its moments. I really missed having my bread. I think since SB allows whole grain products, I'll keep those in for now to ease me through this a I need to buy some...then I'll have to re-evaluate whether this particular diet is working for my health issues or whether I need to eliminate some more foods.

AF is here in full force...tons of cramps and the whole nine yards. I'm really hoping that this is another area that a good diet will help me with. When I read through the Yeast questionaire and I see 'infertility' up there...a part of me still wonders...could it really have been that easy way back then? I try not to dwell on 'what ifs', especially because I love the way my life turned out. But if anyone reading this is trying to get pregnant and not succeeding (a humm...I won't name or having any other type of 'women's problems', it might be worth looking into.

Another thing that I'd like to address is...why now? Many of you reading this blog know that I've been around the block a few times on this what makes me think that this time will be any different? I really believe that the Lord has initiated this. If you have read my other blog 'P5', you know that He is in the process of lifting me up. I feel the Holy Spirit's healing force in my life...I just need to work with that 'force'. I don't know what the outcome will be, other then it will be for the best and it will be to glorify His name. plans for today is to make a shopping list and then go shopping. Please pray me through this. If you have any specific prayer requests to help you through this, please feel free to either add them to the comments section or to E-Mail me privately. Remember, that nothing is too small or too big for God. Our getting healthy is very important to Him.

posted by Essy @ 7:36 AM  |


Food Lists for the Sugar Busters Diet

Food Lists for the Sugar Busters Diet

posted by Essy @ 2:53 PM  |

Low Sugar Fruits

Low Carb/Low Sugar Fruits: A list of the best and the worst fruit for low carb dieters.:
"Fruits lowest in sugar:

Guess I gotta go food shopping. These are not fruits that I eat regularly...duh! LOL. The kids do like a lot of these, so that's good.

posted by Essy @ 2:46 PM  |

Who's with me?

Just wondering if anyone else is comitting themselves to getting healthy. If so, please leave a comment letting me know what you are doing and what your goals are. Maybe we can be of support to each other.

posted by Essy @ 2:17 PM  |

what's the harm?

1)Sugar can suppress your immune system and impair your defenses against infectious disease.1,2

2)Sugar upsets the mineral relationships in your body: causes chromium and copper deficiencies and interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium. 3,4,5,6

3)Sugar can cause can cause a rapid rise of adrenaline, hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children.7,8

4)Sugar can produce a significant rise in total cholesterol, triglycerides and bad cholesterol and a decrease in good cholesterol.9,10,11,12

5)Sugar causes a loss of tissue elasticity and function.13

6)Sugar feeds cancer cells and has been connected with the development of cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostate, rectum, pancreas, biliary tract, lung, gallbladder and stomach.14,15,16,17,18,19,20

7)Sugar can increase fasting levels of glucose and can cause reactive hypoglycemia.21,22

8)Sugar can weaken eyesight.23

9)Sugar can cause many problems with the gastrointestinal tract including: an acidic digestive tract, indigestion, malabsorption in patients with functional bowel disease, increased risk of Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis.24,25,26,27,28

10)Sugar can cause premature aging.29

11)Sugar can lead to alcoholism.30

12)Sugar can cause your saliva to become acidic, tooth decay, and periodontal disease.31,32,33

13)Sugar contributes to obesity.34

14)Sugar can cause autoimmune diseases such as: arthritis, asthma, multiple sclerosis.35,36,37

15)Sugar greatly assists the uncontrolled growth of Candida Albicans (yeast infections)38

go read the entire list here

posted by Essy @ 11:10 AM  |

Library requests

Here's what is on my request list...

1) The new sugar busters! : cut sugar to trim fat / H. Leighton Steward

2) Sugar busters! for kids / H. Leighton Steward

3) Sugar busters! : quick & easy cookbook / H. Leighton Steward

I got the kids book too since I figured that it would be a good thing for my kids daughter especially is a sugar addict just like mommy. It's amazing...we buy chocolate and we both devour it in a matter of minutes. We'll give some to my son and he'll actually spit it out...I don't understand males at

posted by Essy @ 8:57 AM  |


How to do SugarBusters Diet - Sugar Busters - Sugarbusters! - Cut Sugar from Your Diet to Lose Weight - How to Cut Bad Carbs out of Your Diet

I'm thinking of getting the book from the library and taking a look at it...just to get through this first step of mine of cutting out sugar. Then I'll see what else I need to do. But for my situation it seems that getting rid of sugar is absolutely imperative.

So today is 'day one'. I think AF is on its way and I just took a Motrin earlier to keep cramps at bay. I suppose cutting sugar will help with all of that stuff too.

So...please keep me through this. I have asked the Lord to make Himself present to me throughout this journey and I have no doubt that He will do just that.

If you are embarking on a similar journey and would like me to pray for you too...just ask. Here's to a healthy Summer ahead!

posted by Essy @ 8:50 AM  |


the yeastie beasties again (still)

yeast questionaire
This is a reminder to myself, that I need to get back on track and get serious about this again. I've been feeling REALLY horrible lately and I'm pretty sure that's what's going on.

Baby step 1...I'm giving up all added sugar. I'm not at the point of reading all the labels and so for now, just the obvious stuff. I'm also keeping fruits in, just to make it a little easier. Please pray for me...this alone, I think will make a world of difference...especially with some anxiety issues I've been having.

posted by Essy @ 8:11 PM  |


The Blood Type Diet

The Blood Type Diet: Media And Reviews: "Type O-People with type O blood fare best on intense physical exercise and animal proteins and less well on dairy products and grains, says Dr. D'Adamo. The leading reason for weight gain among Type O's is the gluten found in wheat products and, to a lesser extent, lentils, corn, kidney beans, and cabbage, Dr. D'Adamo explains. Ideal exercises for Type O's include aerobics, martial arts, contact sports, and running. "

No...I'm not on a new But, maybe I should be? I saw this on a blog I was reading this morning and found it intersting how close this resembles the Specific Carb Diet...and I haven't felt as good since going off there's got to be something to it. Not only the bloating, but the water rentention...yuck! I think that I need to start cutting down on dairy and grains again. Maybe this time with the Holy Spirit so freshly stirred up in my soul, I can do this.

posted by Essy @ 7:23 AM  |



Spirit Daily - Daily spiritual news from around the world: "Healing is real -- and it is as spiritual, in many cases, as it is physical. Thus, when illness persists, it is sometimes because there are hidden spiritual hindrances."

Great on the link above to read the entire thing.

posted by Essy @ 10:46 PM  |