Not By Bread Alone

Learning to care for myself properly in order to do God's will in my life.


New Starts

Get your ideal weight here I go again. I was tempted to just not post about it since I'm not the greatest at sticking to stuff...but then I thought that was just a cop here it is.

My weight has gone way up in the last few months since struggling with getting rid of the yeast over growth...not quite to where it was pre-WD...but close. Anyway, I'm convinced that an altered Thin Within program is the answer. I've gone through so much inner healing recently that I think I'm ready to finally do this thing (with God's grace, that is).

So my goals are:
1)wait for hunger to eat
2)stop at satisfied
3)choose foods not only that I like but that will nourish me and not make me sick
4)do my walk/jog video
5)find a good multi vitamin that I can tolerate and take the Magnesium and pro-biotics.
6)drink plenty of water
7)plan ahead of time...make meal menus for the week and plan snacks when going out...and go shopping regularly so that I have healthy foods on hand.
8)make a list of what I can do instead of eat when I'm feeling 'depleted' or am having 'head hunger' but stomach is not empty.
9)take regular breaks so that I don't get completly exhausted.
10)Last but not least (actually it is Number 1) Trust God to walk with me on this journey and to provide for me in His way.

posted by Essy @ 7:05 AM