Candida A Twentieth Century Disease
by Shirley Lorenzani, Phd
Ch. IV Causes of Candidiasis
"Yeast organisms are incapable of causing disease in a healthy person. For any part of the human body to succumb to yeast, stress must occur on a regular basis. Stress upsets our internal harmony. It disturbs homeostatis, our naturally balanced state.
Where do we find stress? Is it out there in the world, lurking on the job, in traffic, waiting at home? No, stress is always an inside job. It is our personal reaction to events, places and people.
Stress is also a response to poor food choices, inadequate circulation, enviromental toxins and hormone imbalances. Drugs, designed to relieve stress and cure disease, often create stress. The stress caused by drugs is called 'side effects' and can, like all other forms of stress, weaken the immune system and lead to yeast over growth."
Ch. VI Recovery: The Back-to-health Process
"There are many routes to health, many paths to the top of the mountain. Some individuals have experienced the healing of candidiasis through prayer and meditation, with little attention to diet, exercise or the use of anti-fungal drugs. Others have relied on diet alone. For many a combination of healthy, exercise, appropriate anti-yeast drugs, nutritional supplements, a clean environment, prayer and meditation, and an attitude of self appreciation works best."

posted by Essy @ 10:46 AM |