Symptom Evaluation
Ok...I think I've reached the breaking point that was necessary in order to move forward towards real change. It included both physical and emotional symptoms bad enough to bring me to my knees.
As I was praying my rosary this evening (after an emotional breakdown), I felt the Lord leading me to re-start a Bible study I had been doing and had stopped when I had family over and things got pretty busy. It is 'God's Word Today' and this month it is covering the book of Leviticus. Today...Saturday:August 12...we are asked to read Chapter know...the one about all the food regulations...funny...huh? Well it gets 'funnier'. At the end of the daily reflections it has a question for personal reflection along with a 'prayer starter'...are you ready? lol. Here's what it says...
"In eating and drinking, do I choose what is healthy and life-giving or do I prefer at times what is harmful or even destructive?"
PRAYER STARTER: Lord, help me to respect the body you have given me, not to destroy it but to keep it ready for your service.
Ok..ok...I get it! Also as to the 'symptom evaluation' above...I got a 316...yikes...anything above 85 is severe. I'm to retake it each week to see how I'm doing. I know that I'll see improvements...I did last time.

posted by Essy @ 9:31 PM

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