Honoring our bodies
Sue said..."Maybe I'm just learning how to best honor the body God gave me. The adventure continues ..."
Amen! I just picked up 'Thin Within' and even though I'm not quite sure that the Lord is wanting me to go back on this program at the moment...there is still a lot to be learned from it...looking at it from a broader perspective.
From Day One:
"There is nothing more refreshing than auntentic living. God wants this for you. He created you to be unique. As you begin to live authentically, you will discover the abundant life Jesus talked about--a life that is deeply satisfying. When you allow the Lord to meet your needs, you will find a fulfillment that you never knew existed. You will begin to need less food as you realize that much of what your eating has been triggered by something that food really can't satisfy."
Candida has been that 'trigger' for me, at least in part...I know that there are emotional and spiritual issues too though and they do need to be considered (I have set up an 'inner-healing' blog for that). This whole issue is so intricate and complex that only God can pull us through.
More from Day One:
5.Eat and drink the food and beverages my body enjoys.
...There are no forbidden foods. If you have food allergies or a medical condition that would require abstinence from certain foods, by all means heed your doctor's recommendations. But aside from that, enjoy God's wonderful provisions. We might however, be tempted to take this to an extreme, to abuse or misuse food. It's important for us to remember that "Everything is permissible for me"--but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"--but I will not be mastered by anything.(1 Corinthians 6:12). When unsure, ask God what your body needs in order to feel and operate at its best. You will then know what will be an appropriate choice.

posted by Essy @ 2:03 PM

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