Where our strength lies...
USCCB - (NAB) - August 13, 2006: "He got up, ate, and drank;
then strengthened by that food,
he walked forty days and forty nights to the mountain of God, Horeb."
It's everywhere. God is at it again today...today's readings hammer in the point. The importance of food for our well being is undeniable...yet Jesus says that HE is the Bread of Life. In this journey towards wellness He needs to continue being the focus...He will lead the way...NOT whoever the leading authority in such and such is at the moment...not the latest gimmick or diet...none of that...God alone suffices. Everything else has the potential of letting us down...Jesus never will.
The Offertory Song at Mass this morning was 'I Will Choose Christ'. It really hit at the heart of all of this. The main point of this journey is freedom to love!
I will choose Christ, I will choose love, I choose to serve.
I give my heart, I give my life, I give my all to you.
2)Christ, my teacher and healer, teach my heart and heal my soul.
And as I walk this road with you, teach me to love.

posted by Essy @ 12:06 PM

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