good medicine
.=: M E D I T A T I O N F O R T H E D A Y :=.
Sunshine is the laughter of nature. We can live out in the sunshine. The
sun and air are good medicine. Nature is a good nurse for tired bodies. We
can let nature have her way with us. God's grace is like the sunshine. We
can let our whole being be enwrapped in God's spirit. It can make glad the
hearts of all of us. God's spirit can heal and cure the mind. We can let
it have its way and know that all will be well!
.=: P R A Y E R F O R T H E D A Y :=.
I pray that I may live in the sunshine of God's spirit. I pray that my mind
and soul may be energized by it.
This reminds me...I need to get out Maybe we'll skip school tomorrow and go for a walk around the lake instead...hmmmm.

posted by Essy @ 9:02 PM

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