Symptom Eval. wk 3
180! Down another 51 points this week for a grand total of 138 was originally 318.
My aim is to continue as normal a diet as possible while keeping in mind those things that I get an immediate reaction with...milk, concentrated sugars etc. I guess for now it's more about concentrating on the positive...what I can have instead of on what I can't. Am also doing quite a bit of 'inner-healing'. I really believe that even illness can have a spiritual component. Not as in the sick person doesn't have enough faith...but that satan attacks even good faithful that all doors to him need to be shut(unforgiveness is a biggie). This then boosts the immune system and gets it cracking.
I've also just discovered an antifungal creme called Alo-Vesta...and boy is it the best thing since sliced All my skin problems are just disappearing...I'm using it all over the place face, ears, under my breasts. It is awesome!

posted by Essy @ 9:22 AM

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