Thin Within Day 2
When we begin to see that God has created each one of us uniquely and very specifically, we begin to develop an appreciation for our own bodies. His divine imagination thought of you in eternity past and He created you especially for this space and this time. All of creation, including you, speaks of His wondrous glory.
This is going along perfectly with our homeschooling lessons this week...which I'm getting alot out of by the way. You'd think this is really basic stuff and it is, but it's amazing how much you can miss out on in your own childhood. I can certainly see the above passage in application to my own children, but only now is it sinking in about me.
Grace is abundant and free, flowing from the throne of our God. The God who offers this grace is the God who wants to be your constant companion on your journey to healing and wholeness. He offers you peace about your body and your relationship to food.
Rather than feeling condemned by others, yourself, and possibly even by God, our prayer is that you will lean on God's wonderful grace, which is available to you each moment of the day.
I've been aware of God's 'grace for the moment' for some time...but now He's also teaching me about His power of healing and deliverance. The Bible is full of such stories and His healing power continues through our prayers. I KNOW that if He so desired then I could be made whole in an instant. He is stronger then Candida! Meanwhile I walk forward in obedience...doing what I know needs to be done each moment with Him supporting me each step of the way.

posted by Essy @ 1:52 PM

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