United to the source of all graces
myCatholic.com � Customizable Catholic Homepage:
"You Can!
Live and work for God, with a spirit of love and service, with a priestly soul, even though you may not be a priest. Then all your actions will take on a genuine supernatural meaning which will keep your whole life united to the source of all graces.
� St. Josemaria Escriva, The Forge, #369"
I think that when our intent is to 'work for God' then He will give us exactly what we need to get that work done...be it health or whatever. When praying for a healing, we need to ask ourselves why do we want it? Is it for us to go out and then do our own will? Then most likely we won't get it, or won't keep it for long. We really need to look at the intent of our own heart...no one else can tell us what that is.

posted by Essy @ 12:20 PM

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