Not By Bread Alone

Learning to care for myself properly in order to do God's will in my life.


more on the evils of sugar...

Articles from past issues of our newsletter, "And The Beat Goes On": "One substance that is absolutely poison to people with MVPS/D is sugar. The average American comsumes a trememdous amount of sugar each year. Remember that sugar contains virtually no nutritional value. It is pure calories, and the results of consumption for people with MVPS/D are severe.

Sugar triggers the autonomic nervous system and, just like caffeine, gives a temporay boost in energy. With the release of insulin from the body in order to burn the sugar there is a sudden drop in blood sugar that is quick and often results in a shaky sensation, rapid heartbeat, and sometimes even panic attacks.

Many patients report that they are sugar junkies, particularly chocolate, and don't believe that they can kick the habit.
Have you ever tried to elimate sugar? It is tough! You are irritable and shaky and often have difficulty sleeping for the first few days. It is believed that sugar is truly an addicting substance, and this response represents a type of withdrawal.

After several days there will be an increase in energy and a calming effect. This makes the effort to kick the sugar habit worthwhile."

posted by Essy @ 6:22 PM