Calling it like I see it...
Intercessors Of The Lamb:
"Jesus talks very much about sin (He uses the singular form�sin), and that sin is disobedience. Satan disobeyed the Father and so did Adam and Eve. Jesus came to repair that sin of disobedience and open up the gates of heaven again. Jesus was very qualified to speak of obedience as penance because obedience cost Him His life. Obedience will cost us our lives every day if we really want to live at this level of perfection. Jesus learned obedience in the Nazareth years, and He continued to learn it throughout His active ministry. Scripture says, 'Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered' (Heb 5:8). "
I think this blog is undergoing a conversion...or maybe I am...a re-version anyway(is that even a word?). I think I got side tracked there for a little while...but the Lord is bringing me back to basics.

posted by Essy @ 9:47 PM

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