Anti fungals
Anti fungals: "Killing the yeast with anti-fungal herbs and supplements - Pau d'arco, garlic, echinacea, grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf extract, oil of oregano, caprylic acid, goldenseal, black walnut, tea tree, MSM, flax oil, fish oil and digestive enzymes have anti-yeast properties and are effective against Candida. Proteolytic (protein digesting) enzymes literally dissolve yeast by digesting the protein substances in the yeast cell."
I have Pau D'arco tea but I HATE the taste...any ideas? I do love garlic and am trying to add it to everything I swear by Echinacea too...but didn't know of it's anti fungal qualities...I usually just take it when I'm coming down with something....hmmm...maybe it helps me because it kills yeast and it's most likely yeast that was causing my ailments? What are your favorite anti-fungals?

posted by Essy @ 9:57 AM

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