Progress report...
Went to BJ's earlier and got my blood pressure checked while I was there. It was 114/ 79 and my heart rate was 69! I'm especially amazed at the heart rate...believe is never that low and I'm on Atenelol which is supposed to keep it low. I think it is the Magnesium and ofcourse not consuming sugar will do it too.
Another thing that I was proud of is that Roy and the kids had pizza and hot dogs there ( family is into pizza and and I wasn't even tempted one little bit even though I hadn't eaten yet. I came home and made my self some scrambled eggs!
Thank You Lord! Now it is off to bed I go, so that I can get a good night's sleep. Could you all say a prayer that my kids sleep through the night?

posted by Essy @ 8:59 PM

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