Eating only when Hungry
Simply Living -> Eating only when Hungry: "An interesting observation...I find waiting for hunger a lot easier when I'm 'eating the way I should' to begin with. First because it actually takes some thought on what I'm going to eat, so I just can't pop something into my mouth and not worry about it...but also as I get more stamina, I'm finding that I just plain want's an awesome that I don't want to lose. "
We are doing an over view of the 'Thin Again' book at my Simply Living a Life of Grace site (link above) and I just noted the above regarding waiting for hunger.
Another observation having nothing to do with the topic at may just be way too much information...but WOW...who knew that I was capable of moving my bowels more then once a day...especially after suffering with constipation for so long. I'm sure that alone is helping me tremendously as all those toxins get flushed away!

posted by Essy @ 9:05 AM

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