Nice start...
Well...I'm off to a nice start anyway. Yesterday went well...I even did a bit of exercising (see video on side bar)and felt pretty good while doing it.
I had my doctor's appointment and I'm not quite sure what to make of it. She's very supportive as far as the diet goes and so forth...but I feel like I'm the one that's brining stuff to her attention here and meeting with her is basically a waste of my time and money. Anyone else feel like that about their doctors?
When I told her I started taking the Magnesium she looked at me like I had two heads...she finally conceded that it was a good thing and that the majority of the population are Magnesium deficient...WHAT...and you weren't going to tell me? That kind of ticked me off a bit. Her plan is very laid back(diet first and then tackle supplements and so forth)...but if you are on this side of things and suffering, you want to get on with it and start feeling better as soon as possible.
My husband said that she's probably just not used to dealing with someone like really? Am I really that un-usual? Don't people like to have control of their health and lives? That's so strange to me, that they might not.

posted by Essy @ 7:03 AM

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