Not By Bread Alone

Learning to care for myself properly in order to do God's will in my life.


Good News...Bad News...

Here's the bad news...last night after driving around and playing at the beach with the kids for a little while we found ourselves at Wendy's and I was hungry. The good news...I just made the best of a possibly bad situation and decided to still make some positive choices (I would have caved in the past for sure). Now for the good news...I ordered a hamburger with lettuce and tomato (no sauces), a plain baked potato and some mineral water. I took the bun out and added some salt and pepper to both the burger and the potato along with a touch of butter...pretty yummy...who would have thought?

Then this morning I made some gluten free waffles. I REALLY wanted some syrup on that darn thing...but chose not to give to satiate my taste for something sweet, I caved in a little bit and cheated with just a tiny amount of banana spread on my waffle and a few blueberries on top of that. Again...very yummy...and if you are going to cheat...might as well stick to something that will nourish you also.

posted by Essy @ 9:52 AM