Heal my heart O, Lord!
When we humble ourselves -- which means to dispel ego -- we place God first, and this allows Him room to work. There is even a health benefit: the more humble we are, the more even-tempered we become, and better is the chance we have of softening our arteries (which respond to stress), bolstering our immunity, and lowering our blood pressure.
When I said that hardness of spirit could translate into hardness of heart, I recall the example of a friend’s sister. After her husband left her, she took the bitter route, her hatred for him soon growing into a hatred of others – even members of her family.
Her demeanor literally turned hard, expressing itself in a coronary attack that left her with only a quarter of her heart functioning (when she was still only it her thirties). Her heart had grown so hard that it fractured.
read entire story Here
posted by Essy @ 7:16 AM
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