Not By Bread Alone

Learning to care for myself properly in order to do God's will in my life.


Day 8

*A bit more energy! I woke up early and even attended the 6:45 AM was such a lovely morning and it was so great to get out that early.

*I seem to be able to go up the stairs a little bit easier these days...sometimes I even forget and over do it a little bit and then have to pay for it. I need to reach a good balance.

*I have an awesome and supportive husband (praise God). He took both kids out food shopping yesterday, because I had to back out at the last minute because of some symptoms. A couple of days before that he took both of them to see my dad at the nursing home, while I stayed home and rested from my migraine episode.

*I find that when I'm having some symptoms...taking a nice warm bath helps (not too hot though, because that can send me over the edge too...close to passing out even.)

*I just finished reading 'The Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome/Dysautonimia Survival Guide' was alright, but I had already read most of what it had to say online...nothing new. It re-emphasized the importance of proper diet, exercise and 'fluid loading'. It also went into how you can have MVPS without having actual MVP...that was interesting.

*So...overall, I'm confident that I'm on the right path with all of this...the diet and so forth. I really feel God's hand in all of this...guiding me forward.

posted by Essy @ 2:17 PM