Getting our husbands healthy too...
"i am just itching to start my dh on some magnesium... but really want to proceed with caution. he's on bp pills, cholesterol pills, a diuretic, diabetes meds... his diet is terrible to boot. i don't know where to begin with him. i'm hoping to persuade him to talk to the doc about the magnesium so she can keep an eye on him...
any thoughts?"
Just thought I'd bring this up from my comments section and see if anyone had any input. I'm having similar issues with my husband, but he's not even on meds because he's too stubborn to even go to the doctor...yikes! I really would like him around for a few more years...I'm sort of used to him, you
As to the Magnesium...I just hand him one in the morning and he takes it...but I know that that is no where's requirements are even higher then ours...and they often have so many things going on that deplete it. I'm also trying to get my brother on it...he's been sick like for ever. I also got my sister to get it for her husband.
I guess along with taking supplements it is important that they cut down on the stuff that depletes it...especially sugar and alcohol. Now, what guy is going to be on board for that? I don't know...maybe when they see how healthy and fit we've become they'll just desperately want to follow suit.

posted by Essy @ 12:42 PM

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