Not By Bread Alone

Learning to care for myself properly in order to do God's will in my life.


Modeling healthy eating

What great motivation to model to your little ones eating for hunger only at meals. Maybe they might need an extra meal between lunch and dinner. However serving that at a table, rather than hand to mouth food, could enforce the dining approach and include a blessing before their extra meal.

Yes Sue...that's what I'm trying to implement..still a little difficult with a very active three year old just doesn't sit still...but...all in God's good timing.

On a positive note though...I'm starting to see the scale budge a little in the right direction myself...yippeee. It was just either stuck there or creeping in the wrong direction for such a long time. I think this was the incentive I needed to keep it up. YES, yes, I want to please God and be able to do this for the 'right' reasons...but still...nothing encourages more then some visible sign that what you are doing is working.

posted by Essy @ 8:39 AM