Tia's Cake recipe
Tia's Cake recipe - Topic Powered by Groupee Community:
"Chocolate Cake with Vanilla Butter Cream Frosting
Chocolate Cake:
1 cup raw sunflower seeds (ground into a fine powder)
3 - 3 3/4 tsp baking powder (still experimenting on this one, but both work ok)
1/2 cup arrowroot powder or corn starch
2 - 2 1/2 tsp stevia/chicolin mix (approx)
6 Tbsp wondercocoa
1/8 tsp sea salt
1 1/2 T olive oil (or whatever oil you like)
1/2 cup water
3 eggs (2 eggs might work fine, I have yet to try that. If you can't have eggs, you could try flax gel)
4 Tbsp vegetable glycerine
Grind sunflower seeds in blender or food processor until they are a fine powder (don't worry if there are a few small pieces left though). Mix all dry ingredients in a large bowl. Beat eggs in a separate large mixing bowl with an electric mixer for approx 2 minutes (it is supposed to fluff up the mix). Add the rest of the wet ingredients in with the eggs & mix together. Mix the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients. Pour batter into 2, 8 inch round cake pans (greased with butter). Bake at 350 degrees for 10 - 15 minutes (use the toothpick test to see if they are done).
Let cool before removing from pans. Place one layer on a large plate or cake serving dish. Apply a thick layer of frosting on the top, then place the second layer on it. Apply a thick layer to the top of that & the sides of the cake. There might be leftover frosting when you're done (I'm sure you can find something useful for it!) I'm not sure if it's necessary, but I store the cake in the refridgerator.
Vanilla Butter Cream Frosting:
1 cup milk substitute (I use unsweetened Rice Dream)
2 Tbsp arrowroot powder
1 tsp vanilla (this may vary depending on the type of vanilla you are using - **see below)
3/4 stick softened (not melted) butter
1 1/2 - 2 T vegetable glycerine
1 3/4 tsp stevia/chicolin mix
**If you have the sugar free vanilla with alcohol, then heat it with the milk so that the alcohol will evaporate. If you have the sugar & alcohol free vanilla, then add it later on (at the same time that you add the vegetable glycerine). You will also want more than 1 tsp if it is the alcohol-free kind because it isn't as strong.**
Heat milk in a small saucepan until it starts to boil a little. Turn heat down to medium & mix in the arrowroot powder. Be careful with this step - if they aren't mixed properly, the arrowroot will gel instead of dissolving. What seemed to work best for me was to take 1 Tbsp at a time of the arrowroot in a small bowl & mix in some of the hot milk, stirring constantly as the milk is poured in. Then add it in with the rest of the milk, stirring constantly. The mixture should thicken up quite a bit. Once it has thickened, let it cool in a bowl in the freezer. (If the mix does gel, just mix it in the blender until it is smooth, then finish heating it until it thickens.)
While that is cooling, beat the softened butter in a mixing bowl with an electric mixer. Beat until it is completely creamed & it should fluff up some. Add in the stevia/chicolin mix, then the vegetable glycerine & vanilla (if alcohol free) & mix well. Do not add in the liquids until the butter is fully creamed, or else it will curdle.

posted by Essy @ 2:44 PM

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